Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Baby walking shoes

Baby walking shoes
Baby walking shoes are an important step in getting your baby up and walking.Baby walking shoes are available in many styles and designs like the very popular robeez baby shoes that have a soft sole that allows baby feet to move easier. Featured below are the best baby walking shoes available this season.My DS is just 13 months and has been walking unaided for about 10 days he still crawls but walks more, i have been told from different people and proffessionals when is the best time to get 'the first proper pair' of walking shoes, e.g Clarks first walkers?!

Ive heard to wait 3 weeks from the time they are walking completly unaided and not crawling also been told they should be wearing shoes when they are walking using parental guidance with hands or a walker...WIth both mine i never got them shows until they had been walking unaided for about a month. I believe that its better for them to learn to walk with their barefeet before getting them shoes.
I know that Clarks wont sell shoes to new walkers unless they can walk quite a few steps.

Baby walking shoes
Baby walking shoes
Baby walking shoes
Baby walking shoes
Baby walking shoes
Baby walking shoes
Baby walking shoes
Baby walking shoes
Baby walking shoes
Baby walking shoes
Baby walking shoes
Baby walking shoes
Baby walking shoes

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